The World of Svet Wikia


The wildlife of Ikhaya can be characterized as being hardy, intelligent, and more varied than that of other nations. The people of Ikhaya have had an intimate connection to the creatures that they share the land with, shaping their history, beliefs, and way of life to be much different than that of any.

White Rhinoceros[]

25-desert cavalry by fangwangllin

Often abbreviated to rhino, are characterized by their large size; as well as by their herbivorous diet; thick protective skin; relatively small brain size; and a large horns. They generally eat leafy material, although their ability to ferment food in their hindgut allows them to subsist on more fibrous plant matter, if necessary. More often than not in Ikhayan society these creatures are revered for their strength often being used as mounts in times of war or in a richer household as creatures of burden.

Lethe Crocodile[]

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Are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the rivers of Ikhaya. they are a large and aggressive species with a broad snout, especially in older animals. It has a dark bronze coloration and darkens as the animal matures. They are carnivorous animals, feeding mostly on vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. It is even said that there have been some Lethe Crocodiles that have grown large enough to carry a house on.



A jack rabbit with antlers. They have the ability to imitate various sounds which it uses to evade pursuers. It is extremely shy and has never been captured alive successfully instead goring the legs of their attackers if provoked.



the wolf is a native to the wilderness and remote areas of Ikhaya and Aeterna. Males averaging 95–99 lb, and females 79–85 lb. Adaptations to hunting large prey, as it is gregarious nature, and has a highly advanced expressive behavior. Fond of travelling in packs however there are solitary creatures among them.

Southern Dragon[]

Colored version african dragon by superpauloitalo

These serpent-like dragons are 35ft in length and have either one pair or two pairs of wings. To obtain food two Dragons will intertwine themselves to form a living raft and travel to the shores. What is most notable about these Dragons is that instead of hoarding gold they had a precious stone called Dracontias lodged in their brain. This had many special and powerful magical properties. However the stone lose its power as soon as the Dragon dies. Obtaining this stone was achieved by drugging the beast to sleep with herbs and carefully cutting the jewel out. They hunt elephants usually; not so much humans but will kill anything to defend itself.



The Bennu bird is a large bird resembling a heron. It has a two long feathers on the crest of it's head and was often crowned with the Atef. It is very rare and only visits the city (Inkosi) only at intervals of five hundred years, on the occasion of the death of the parent bird. (for easy reference this is a bloody phoenix, capiche?)



Elephants are large mammals; distinctive features, the most notable of which is a long trunk or proboscis, used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting water and grasping objects. Their incisors grow into tusks, which can serve as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants' large ear flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry their great weight. Often they are decorated with paints made with plants as an effort to cool them, that and they're just neat.



Also called perch are a fresh water game fish that are caught in the rivers of Ikhaya making them a predominant food source. These fish feed on smaller fish, shellfish, or insect larvae, but can be caught with nearly any bait. They commonly spawn during the spring, when the females lay strings of eggs in covered areas such as near branches or underwater plants.



It has the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth, sometimes bat-like wings, and a trumpet-like voice. The tail is that of a scorpion, and it may shoot venomous spines to either paralyze or kill its victims. It devours its prey whole and leaves no clothes, bones, or possessions of the prey behind. It's favorite prey? Why humans of course.



The tiger most recognizable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The largest tigers have reached a total body length of up to 11.1 ft over curves and have weighed up to 857 lb in the wild, these big cats are often pets of chiefs or merchants and their families.



It is a common bird found throughout much of Ikhaya. The crow is all black, with iridescent feathers. Its legs, feet and bill are also black. They measure 16–21 in. in length, of which the tail makes up about 40%. The most usual call is a loud, short, and rapid caaw-caaw-caaw. Usually, the birds thrust their heads up and down as they utter this call. Crows can also produce a wide variety of sounds and sometimes mimic noises made by other animals, including other birds
